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Rain Maker

Android Smart Phone/Tablet Rain Maker App

Based on the latest research in Quantum Physics and using the principles of Quantum Entanglement and ancient Energy healing traditions this revolutionary Rain Maker App helps to bring Life giving Rain to Drought stricken locations.

The software is very simple and easy to use. Just follow the simple in app instructions.

Disclaimer:-. The App is purely experimental and no claims are being made as to it's effectiveness in helping to bring rain to any particular location.

This App is completely free and ther are NO in-app adds.

Some Notes

Although the App can be used by an individual person, it is better and more potent when run by many people at the same time in the same location as it taps into the Mass Consciousness field to enhance it's power.

The App can be run for as long as you wish and can also be run overnight by connecting the phone/Tablet to the wall charger.

*Warning* For users who are energy sensitive, you may feel slightly overwhelmed by energy or spacey when first running the App. If this happens just bear with it as you will eventually acclimatize.

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