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Sweet Sugar Rush

Android Game and Cravings/Addictions control App

Based on the latest research in Quantum Physics and using the principles of Quantum Entanglement and ancient Energy healing traditions this revolutionary dual mode App helps reduce tension and control your cravings and addictions by giving you a simulated Energy Sugar Rush.

Play the fast paced candy catcher game to earn points towards administering a Sugar Shot. When enough points have been earned, you can administer a Sugar Shot which can give you an Energy Sugar Rush that can help control your Sugar cravings or other types of cravings.

The software is very simple and easy to use. Just follow the simple in app instructions.

FDA Disclaimer:-. The statements made above have not been evaluated by the FDA. This software is for personal experimental purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This App is completely free but supported by in-app adds.

Some Notes

The App should be run whenever you feel the need or are experiencing cravings.

For Enhanced effects connect you phone to loud speakers on high volume.

*Warning* For users who are energy sensitive, you may feel slightly overwhelmed by energy or spacey when first running the App. If this happens just bear with it as you will eventually acclimatize.

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